jueves, 3 de mayo de 2012

Who's who in Mare Notrum Resort?

Do you want to know who of Mare Nostrum Resort is going to visit you this year in Madrid and Bilbao?

But you will have to guess!
If you can not join us in Madrid or Bilbao you will laugh very much trying to guess how we were looking when young.

Follows us every day on our Facebook and the Mare Nostrum Resort's Blog ... We will be posting pictures and we will be giving you also clues

Today the first two assistants.

Who is it and in which department does she/he work in MNR?

This cute baby was born in Mallorca and is nowadays the skipper of the Mare Nostrum Resort vessel.

This lion cub moves between pans and drums.
This baby was born in Tenerife but has his heart divided between Germany and Argentina. She "lives hooked to social networks." Who is she and in which department does she work? 
This young Canarian girl with cheeky smile, loves being around children since she was girl. Who is she and in which department does she work? 

This young blue-eyed is an authentic artist with the tray. She usually is in the Vitamin’s Bar, at the Terrace or in the Snack Bar Marco Antonio, in other words.. she never stops! Who is she and in which department does she work? 

You can find this charming colleague at the front of the Mediterranean Palace Restaurant. Who is he and in which department does he work? 

This Catalan baby keeps going from bar to bar and from clubs to clubs… He has been our latest Tony Manero. Who is he and in which department does he work? 

Faithfull to his traditions, his favorite plate is La Paella and he’s one of the most experienced employees of the team. Who is he and in which department does he work?
This sweety fancy child is from La Coruña (Galicia) and if he were not part of the Mare Nostrum Resort team he would play professional hockey. Who is it and in which department does he work in Mare Nostrum Resort?

She has been now twenty-three years receiving you on your arrival, first she did it at the Mediterranean Palace Hotel and then at the Cleopatra Palace.
Who is it and in which department does she work in Mare Nostrum Resort?

This cute Dutch girl is now a committed and hard working woman who is always looking for guest and making them feel eaven better than at home.
Who is it and in which department does she work in Mare Nostrum Resort?
Since he was young he loved the performance, he was born for it.
Who is it and in which department does she/he work in Mare Nostrum Resort?
She has a motto and it is linked to his work: It may be that life is not the joyous party that we expected to arrive, but once we are already here it is better to dance.
Who is it and in which department does she/he work in Mare Nostrum Resort?

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